Ms. Foley’s novels are as rich in history and detail as they are sensuous and suspenseful. There are s
even books in the Knight Miscellany series. While you can read them out of order without being lost, it’s best to start at the beginning. Of course, I didn’t. I began with the third book, Lord of Ice, then read the second, Lord of Fire, then went to the beginning with The Duke. She hooked me from the beginning with Lord of Ice, the story of Damien Knight, one of the brothers in the Hawkscliffe clan of brothers and sisters sired by different fathers to the same mother while she was ma
rried to the Duke of Hawkscliffe. Damien suffers from PTSD (although not called that during the Regency setting of this novel), and only Miranda FitzHubert can help him overcome the demons that have driven him to solitude. Emotional, sexy, and fun, as are all of the books in this series. Four out of four bookworms.

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