Last week was a really bad week. First, it was my oldest daughter’s birthday. She would have been 13 years old, but she died when she was five. Every year we celebrate her birthday. I don’t know if that’s considered morbid or not. Every year, I ask my kids if they still want to celebrate her birthday, and every year they say yes. So I make her favorite cake and prepare her favorite meal. I’d just gotten the pizza in the oven when I heard a pop and an “Uh oh!” I figured my son had electrocuted himself. He’s always playing with electricity.
I yelled, “What happened?”
He said, “This can’t be good.”
I yelled again, “What happened,” and started for the computer room.
My son made it to the kitchen before I got to the computer room. He was holding a very bloody thumb. I ran water over it to check the depth of the cut. He needed stitches. So we headed for the ER where he spent the next seven and a half hours—most of that time in the waiting area. Sooo, we didn’t celebrate my daughter’s birthday until the following day.
After such a lousy week, I needed some fun. I needed Stephanie Plum. I got just what I needed in
Ten Big Ones. This time, Stephanie is standing outside the local deli with Lula when trouble finds her in the form of the notorious Red Devil robber. Her life is seriously on the line, and the only place she feels safe is Ranger’s bat cave. Yes, folks, we finally get a peek inside Ranger’s private life. One of my favorite characters, Sally Sweet, returns, so you know this is gonn

a be good. Four out of four bookworms.